Issue: Using Pearl Echo to Monitor Published Applications in Citrix
Product: Pearl Echo 7.0, Pearl Echo 8.0
Applies to: All Builds


Citrix Server allows you to deploy and organize individual published applications without the user having access to a full desktop session. The Pearl Echo workstation agent must be running for Pearl Echo to monitor applications running in desktop or published mode. Properly configured, Pearl Echo will monitor each user's session, even if the session is run as a published application. Pearl Echo also accommodates any remote launch point including Citrix Neighborhood, N-Fuse, Remote Desktop Connection, individual icons placed on the user's desktop, etc.



To launch the Pearl Echo Workstation Agent before published applications are run
  1. Install the Pearl Echo Workstation software on your Citrix or Terminal Server as described in Chapter 2 of the Pearl Echo User guide.
  2. Include the Pearl Echo workstation agent in the %SystemRoot%\usrlogon.cmd file that is run each time a user logs into Windows Server.

    @Echo Off

    REM Launch the Pearl Echo Workstation Agent
    Cd /d "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\pse7"
    Start rnappp7.exe

    REM Existing Stuff
    Call "%SystemRoot%\Application Compatibility Scripts\SetPaths.Cmd
    " If "%_SETPATHS%" == "FAIL" Goto Done


No changes need to be made for Pearl Echo to monitor applications running in a desktop session.



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