This page contains information on the latest release of Pearl Echo 11. Product version information can be found in the 'About Pearl Echo' window located in the Program's Help menu.
Current Release:  Version 11.08.0008
Release Date: July 21, 2015

Current Release Notes:

Workstation Update:

  1. Fix for IMAP mail protocol logging.
  2. Cumulative version roll up

Server Update:

  1. Added dynamic update for redirect URL.
  2. Cumulative version roll up


Previous Release Notes:

Version 11.01.0001-11.07.0007


Update Overview:

The update instructions contained on this page are for minor release patching only (e.g. 11.01.0001 to 11.02.0002). To upgrade from a previous major release (e.g.10.09.0009 to 11.02.0002), be certain that you have a valid Version 11 serial number and follow the upgrade instructions here.

To patch from a previous Version 11 revision (e.g. 11.01.0001 to 11.02.0002), first update your Pearl Echo Sever with the Pearl Echo Server Patch. Then, to automatically update your Pearl Echo Workstation agents, place the Workstation Patch in the WS_Updates folder found in the directory where you installed the Pearl Echo Server software. The Pearl Echo Server will automatically deliver the update to Pearl Echo’s zero-maintenance agent. Delivery of the update occurs to the Workstation at Workstation startup or, absent startup, typically within one hour in order to minimize bandwidth overloading. Because the Workstation update requires a restart, the Workstation agent will update itself the next time the machine on which the agent resides is restarted after delivery, typically prior to user login.

Pearl Echo Workstation and Server applications do not need to be removed or reconfigured when installing Pearl Echo Patches.


Step by Step Update Instructions:

  1. Click below to download the Pearl Echo Server Patch.
  2. From the Pearl Echo Set Security Status menu, turn Internet Management OFF. Close the Pearl Echo Administration Console and all applications running on your server.
  3. Run the Server Patch on your Pearl Echo server.
  4. From the Pearl Echo Set Security Status menu in the Pearl Echo Administration Console, turn Internet Management back ON.
  5. Click below to download the Pearl Echo Workstation Patch.
  6. Place the Workstation Patch in the WS_Updates folder found in the directory where you installed the Pearl Echo Server software. Note: Do not rename this file.
  7. Verify that the NTFS Security setting allows "System" to have full control of the Workstation Update file.
  8. The Workstation Patch will automatically be delivered to the workstation. After delivery, the Workstation Patch will be installed on the next workstation startup.


Note: For real-time testing, you can manually execute the Workstation Patch on computers.